Dispatch from the dark: We’re all in this together

Some thoughts on the mysterious email we received this week, and a couple thoughts on the character dossier assignment. Take a look at Amanda’s post, she came up with a good one. I also make reference to Out of the Past, I think…

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6 Responses to Dispatch from the dark: We’re all in this together

  1. Jim Groom says:

    Deep into character and undercover. I wish you would do one of these outside so we get a better sense of where you are. Things are a bit shadowy cooped up inside.

  2. iamTalkyTina says:

    Well, it was a very nice to watch this video, Mr. Paul. Plus, the music and your noir suit make it very comfortable to watch. Plus, I was sitting down, too, which is comfortable. Because of that email that they wrote, I think someone didn’t understand, but now they can get a better understanding of how to play #noir106.

    Another thing, sometimes it is uncomfortable when you do something for the first time, like for example if it is Sunday night and you have a lot to do and the clock is ticking and it is hot and muggy in New Orleans. Then it gets dark, and you feel the sweat starting to drip down your shirt collar and it is tension in your shoulders and the shadows start moving. That is maybe an uncomfortable thing. And then they talk about it in a video that you are watching the next day and it is even more uncomfortable. So the next time, instead, you get the work done early in the week during the daytime so that when Sunday night comes and the shadows and the sweat, then you can relax instead by watching a good film. There is nothing like a good film on Sunday night with Friends.

    It is fun that you and Burtis and Groom are having. And Jack. It would be fun when my Agency (TT Investigations and Missions) will have a case that we can work on together. But we will probably run into some suspects and molls and g-men and other characters in common during #noir106 anyway.

    But good for the music. Did you see my Noir Stairs on Pinterest?

    Plus, you can leave me a Voice Mail anytime on my updated voicemail for #noir106 on my website iamTalkyTina.com

    Well, bye!

    Your True Friend,

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