Monthly Archives: January 2014


One of the things about history is that it is ongoing. That is not only because of new events, but also because of the reinterpretation of old events. Many of the Internet History articles we found were a little old, late … Continue reading

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Talking CRAAP

We have started color coding the entries in the reading list – red, yellow and green. Red means find a different reading. This could be because someone else got it first, or because it didn’t stand up to scrutiny. Green … Continue reading

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Bravo to Amber!

… for putting the first reading on the list: “Is Broadband Internet Access a Public Utility?” This article makes a good test case for what is good enough for the list. Two big points from the CRAAP test are Authority … Continue reading

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Internet on training wheels

I liked the things Jim said in class: “People had to be taught how to use the internet.” When AOL was the big thing (Is it still a thing?), people used to snark on it as “Internet on training wheels.” … Continue reading

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Putting a Cmap into a blog post

There are a few different ways to put a Cmap into a blog post. If I wanted to be lame, I could make the map into an image either by taking a screen shot or exporting the map as an … Continue reading

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