Tag Archives: CRAAP

CRAAP: waste or fertilizer?

CRAAP has been taking a lot of crap lately. This came through my Twitter feed today: In which Kevin points out that Trump's tweets on wiretapping would pass the CRAAP test with flying colors. #chuckthechecklist https://t.co/qFP1NHtagF — Lisa Hinchliffe (@lisalibrarian) … Continue reading

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There’s more to it…

As I wrote earlier, information literacy has been in the air lately. It’s a good thing from my perspective, as one who advocates for info lit. But it’s frustrating too, because people don’t seem to get what I’m talking about. … Continue reading

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In my library, we’ve been using the CRAAP test (PDF) when we cover evaluating information sources. Like anything else, it has its pros and cons – I like the simplicity of it, and that it’s memorable, but in reality it’s … Continue reading

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Talking CRAAP

We have started color coding the entries in the reading list – red, yellow and green. Red means find a different reading. This could be because someone else got it first, or because it didn’t stand up to scrutiny. Green … Continue reading

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Bravo to Amber!

… for putting the first reading on the list: “Is Broadband Internet Access a Public Utility?” This article makes a good test case for what is good enough for the list. Two big points from the CRAAP test are Authority … Continue reading

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