Tag Archives: the passenger

Get into the car | We’ll be the passenger

I had planned to try to blog these elements together, but instead made this audio mashup. I’m guessing it’s even less comprehensible than if I tried to connect the ideas in text, but on the bright side it has Iggy … Continue reading

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Trollin’, trollin’, trollin’

Who’s trolling who? I was reading more of The Passenger this morning, and on page 195 one of the hallucinatory ‘horts spouted the classic line from Airplane. So you know what I had to do. The face swap doesn’t quite … Continue reading

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Firefly, can you see me? || Shine on, glowing, brief and brightly

I’m not sure where I’m going with any of this. Maybe nowhere. Maybe this is a relevant quote: “To the seasoned traveler a destination is at best a rumor.” (p. 56) Continuing my musings on McCarthy’s latest novel, I’m wondering … Continue reading

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“Paradise is exactly like where you are right now”

I thought of this song when I was reading The Kekulé Problem the other day. In it, McCarthy recalls, I suggested once in conversation at the Santa Fe Institute that language had acted very much like a parasitic invasion and … Continue reading

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