Tag Archives: creation/consumption

So it goes

One of the many nice things about The Internet Course is that you never know where it will go. The course description gives it broad guidance as to what it covers, but the students determine how to approach the various … Continue reading

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Consumption Patterns

The internet has had a huge impact on how we consume information and media. I wonder what the long-term cultural outcome of that will be. How does it change how we experience music? And how will that change our culture? … Continue reading

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Apparently I’m Zordon…

The panelists = Power Rangers @phb256 ‘s floating head on the screen behind them = Zordon #tic104 — Amber M. (@FoxyLee13) February 18, 2014 The Internet Course had a great discussion this evening. The theme for the week is creation/consumption, … Continue reading

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The Internet: creation/consumption

They say we live in a media saturated world these days, with our always-on connections to the internet. But really we’ve always been in a media saturated world, at least as long as most of us have been alive. The … Continue reading

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