Monthly Archives: September 2014

The Contest Somebody Should Win

For this assignment, I told myself I would pick something random and do whatever came up and make it about The Wire. So what do I get? The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition) The directions are to: Create a … Continue reading

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String’s Gonna Get You

Today’s Daily Create was to make a themed video montage. I took all the Stringer Bell clips I had saved from the first season and put them together with the song String’s Gonna Get You (YT) which I actually have … Continue reading

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Some Cmap help

I’m posting some links to earlier posts on Cmaps, just to make them a little easier to find. I also made a menu link on The Internet Course site for posts tagged cmap. Some of the posts aren’t there because … Continue reading

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A new day in Bodymore, Murderland

A new season begins, and right away we’re warned about where following the money might go. One place it goes is into the church, apparently. Why are people tripping over each other to give thousands to a church? I guess … Continue reading

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Evolution of the Internet discussion

Tuesday’s panel discussion in The Internet Course took a while to find its rhythm, due to technical difficulties. Technical difficulties on my end, and between there and the class, made it difficult for me to keep up with it as … Continue reading

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The Red Queen

Colors When I saw this shot, I thought of The Manchurian Candidate. It’s probably something I’m reading into it rather than something the makers of The Wire intended, but there is a parallel in that they both feature a mother … Continue reading

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Summarizing Bubbles

The assignment was to summarize an episode in 6 gifs, but part of ds106 is making assignments your own. If you just follow the rules of the Game, you’ll be stuck playing the part of a pawn. You got to … Continue reading

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Cmaps as web pages

Here are links for downloading Cmap tools, online documentation, and some short video tutorials: Cmap Tools download page Cmap Tools online help Using Cmap Tools – making maps Using Cmap Tools – adding links earlier post on Cmaps Here is … Continue reading

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What’s up with that boy?

The first part was the key scene for me – where String gives Bodie the order to kill Wallace. It’s all there, but it’s almost entirely unsaid. “What’s up with that boy?” They don’t even use his name. And just … Continue reading

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Tagging and reading

A quick note on tagging summaries – be sure to do it, and to use the following tags: how it works evolution creation/consumption IP/fair use privacy/openness digital identity impacts future This helps to organize the summaries. If they’re tagged properly, … Continue reading

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