The assignment was to summarize an episode in 6 gifs, but part of ds106 is making assignments your own. If you just follow the rules of the Game, you’ll be stuck playing the part of a pawn. You got to make the rules your own if you’re going to step up. So I’m going to attempt to summarize Bubbles in 6 gifs instead.
He’s a dope fiend. His life revolves around his addiction. Early on, we see him on the nod, Bubbles blowing bubbles. He’s also been around the block a few times, so he can reflect on his situation a bit. Sometimes it’s really bad. He thinks about it; he needs to change. So he gets clean and sees life from another angle. Life can be good, but life can be rough too, so he falls back into his old ways.
The last episode of the first season emphasizes that never-ending cycle. Bubs is like a personification of it – he gets knocked down, but he gets up again…
I love what you have done with this assignment. Bubbles is one of my favorite characters and I hate it when he gets back into drugs again. The way the directors create him, it almost makes you love him. You want him to be on the right path and do good things with his life. When he tried to page Kima and the police came and got him and then that one cop punched him it made me so angry. I think this was a great choice of scenes that depict who Bubbs is.
Yeah, McNulty is kind of the star of the show, but Bubbles, in a way, seems like its soul.
Love this- what a unique twist on this assignment. Bubbles has always been one of my favorite characters–theres so much to him–so I enjoyed seeing what you did with this. I’m glad you added in the bottom left GIF. I think that above all, Bubbles as an element of peace, or something similar I guess, that allows him to continue living his life. He just kind of rolls with the punches, you know?
On a more technical note– why is the top right GIF moving so quickly?
When I import video clips to photoshop, I usually select the option to import every other frame. I think this has the effect of speeding up the motion. Lately I’ve been adjusting the frame timing to compensate, but in that case I didn’t.