Tag Archives: cmaps


This week in The Internet Course we’re covering privacy & openness. The readings the class came up with in the research process mostly deal with privacy and related issues: hacking, cybercrime, identity theft, anonymity and surveillance. Zuckerberg has said the people … Continue reading

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Some Cmap help

I’m posting some links to earlier posts on Cmaps, just to make them a little easier to find. I also made a menu link on The Internet Course site for posts tagged cmap. Some of the posts aren’t there because … Continue reading

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Cmaps as web pages

Here are links for downloading Cmap tools, online documentation, and some short video tutorials: Cmap Tools download page Cmap Tools online help Using Cmap Tools – making maps Using Cmap Tools – adding links earlier post on Cmaps Here is … Continue reading

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Of summaries and Cmaps

We’re putting a lot of work up front in this class, but it’s distributed to be manageable, and the load will lessen for a few weeks afterwards. This evening the class will brainstorm how we plan on approaching the main … Continue reading

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