Tag Archives: tic104

So it goes

One of the many nice things about The Internet Course is that you never know where it will go. The course description gives it broad guidance as to what it covers, but the students determine how to approach the various … Continue reading

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Digital ID

This week in The Internet Course we will focus on digital identity. The panel of experts has pulled together an impressive array of research, some of which is below: http://www.merethomp.com/tag/digitalidentity/ http://internet.umwdoug.com/tag/digital-identity/ http://www.telnarks-experiment.com/tag/digital-identity/ http://www.binaryyoume.com/tag/digital-identity/ http://www.erinradar.com/tag/digital-identity/ I’m interested to see where the discussion … Continue reading

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POSSE and openness

In Tuesday’s class we looked at a trailer for the film Terms and Conditions May Apply. The film looks at all those end-user license agreements that are designed so end-users don’t read them. People generally don’t know what they’re agreeing … Continue reading

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This week in The Internet Course we’re covering privacy & openness. The readings the class came up with in the research process mostly deal with privacy and related issues: hacking, cybercrime, identity theft, anonymity and surveillance. Zuckerberg has said the people … Continue reading

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IP, fair use, and the Internet Course

This week in The Internet Course we will be talking about intellectual property and fair use. There are tensions between the two which have always been there. The internet has exacerbated those tensions. The US Copyright Office issued a circular on … Continue reading

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Welcome to the machine

This week in The Internet Course, we will be looking at how the internet works. Members of the class have started collecting and connecting readings on the topic, and we’ll be discussing them on Tuesday and Thursday. I’m going to … Continue reading

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Some Cmap help

I’m posting some links to earlier posts on Cmaps, just to make them a little easier to find. I also made a menu link on The Internet Course site for posts tagged cmap. Some of the posts aren’t there because … Continue reading

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Evolution of the Internet discussion

Tuesday’s panel discussion in The Internet Course took a while to find its rhythm, due to technical difficulties. Technical difficulties on my end, and between there and the class, made it difficult for me to keep up with it as … Continue reading

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Cmaps as web pages

Here are links for downloading Cmap tools, online documentation, and some short video tutorials: Cmap Tools download page Cmap Tools online help Using Cmap Tools – making maps Using Cmap Tools – adding links earlier post on Cmaps Here is … Continue reading

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Tagging and reading

A quick note on tagging summaries – be sure to do it, and to use the following tags: how it works evolution creation/consumption IP/fair use privacy/openness digital identity impacts future This helps to organize the summaries. If they’re tagged properly, … Continue reading

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