Tag Archives: hammett

The NoirBird

Tuesday night we had our second live tweet-along with ds106radio. The story was Dashiell Hammett’s classic, The Maltese Falcon, produced for Lux Radio Theater in 1943. I wondered how people would react to old time radio, with its 70 year … Continue reading

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Poking the ruins

Yesterday I wrote a little about some of the NoirMOOC material. Richard Edwards, who is running the MOOC, replied via Twitter: @phb256 thanks for the blog link! His best line in Arson Plus is about “ruins.” It’s a seed he … Continue reading

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Arson by night

I made it my New Year’s resolution to read more Hammett, so it was nice that his short story, Arson Plus, showed up in the NoirMOOC. It’s Hammett’s first published story, and it’s not quite as hardboiled as Red Harvest. … Continue reading

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Somebody’s Top Ten + 4

I noticed that Devil in a Blue Dress showed up on someone’s list of the fourteen best private eye novels of all time. I have no idea why they decided to choose fourteen, or who they polled. It’s nice that … Continue reading

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The noir sound

I decided to listen to Red Harvest as an audiobook, to make better use of my drive time. Audiobooks are a different experience. The narrator’s voice becomes a part of the story, and there are pros and cons to that. … Continue reading

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What’s the rumpus?

“What’s the rumpus?” This question shows up early in Red Harvest. I recognized it from Miller’s Crossing where it was asked by several chartacters. Miller’s Crossing bears some plot similarities to Red Harvest. You’ve got a guy playing everyone against everyone … Continue reading

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