So let’s rock!

Today’s Daily Create was in honor of World Rock Day, which I hadn’t heard of previously. When I saw the prompt on Mastodon I thought of photographing a rock in my yard, but then I saw it was a different meaning of rock. By the time I made it to work I thought of a classic song of my homeland, Rockin’ As Fast As I Can by The Colorblind James Experience. I always liked it because it makes me think of a rocking chair more than rock n roll. Could I learn to play it before the day is done? Even with a crutch like Chordify, that’s beyond my abilities. Surprisingly, I found the lyrics online, so maybe I’ll give learning it a shot. But in the meantime I wondered what to make of it. I remembered the Lumen5 Video Maker so I copied a verse and chorus into it to see what it would do, which was next to nothing. I convinced it to make slides from the lines of the song, then I used keywords from each line to find free images in their library. The last one struck me a rather creepy so I figured I was on the right track.

Now I had to figure out how to get the music in. I’m working on my office computer, which doesn’t have my usual ds106 tools and is locked so I can’t install anything. This gave me the opportunity to play with free online tools. I used KeepVid to grab the song from Youtube, and to clip it. I used Zamzar to convert the clip to an audio file, which I could upload to Lumen5. I had to adjust the slide timings a little bit to get the slides more or less line up with the song. So let’s rock!

Yeah I know it’s lame, but it’s AI lame.

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