A few people have asked about the Daily Create, so I thought I’d write a post.
The Daily Create is an ongoing part of ds106. It comes out every day of the year. The idea is that regular exercise of creativity can make us more creative. If you wait for inspiration it will never come. If you work at generating ideas, then the ideas will flow.
The Daily Create is meant to be a simple, quick exercise. Just make something in response to the prompt. Do it that day and share it on Twitter. It’s not about making a masterpiece. It’s about making. If I were to paraphrase John Cage, I’d call it Rule 106:
You’re allowed to be creative in what you make and how you interpret the prompt. If it asks for a photo and you make a poem, you’ve made something. Some people do the Daily Create nearly every day. Some people do it when they feel like it. I’m glad a few students decided to have fun with it this week. They didn’t have to, but they did it anyway. A varying number of Daily Creates will be assigned each week in the coming weeks. Which days you choose to do them is up to you.