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- Live from Stellar Records | raptnrent.me on “Raise expectations to a new intention”
- Eric Likness on Ceci n’est pas une donut
- Eric Likness on AT Drops the BOMB!
- … we made them what they are. | raptnrent.me on “Ah, the poetic wonders of destruction and turmoil”
- We’re creative because we care – AI106 on AT Drops the BOMB!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Mysteries abound. “Mwaa haa haa!”
I thought I’d bring together a few of the class projects. Some interesting things are going on. Mysteries abound. Dr. Oblivion has some competition: https://cat-on-a-moped.com/uncategorized/final-video/ This was unexpected. Is Aggressive Technologies behind this? Is it connected to their lawyer’s threats? … Continue reading
“Happy surfing.”
For today’s Daily Create, we were to build on the classic “On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog” cartoon. I wondered how Dr. Oblivion would respond to the query: Then, in my infinite laziness curiosity, I asked the same … Continue reading
“Turn around, bright eyes”
For yesterday’s Daily Create we were to make blackout poetry with content from a certain web site. I looked at it briefly and decided to use the Weird Old Book Finder instead, probably because I found the typography uninspiring. I … Continue reading
Bleeping video
Ooops! Someone forgot to hit the Publish button. Jim and I have periodic conversations about what we’re doing and where we’re going in de106. I had this idea that the chief legal counsel from Aggressive Technologies would drop in and … Continue reading
Aggressive Technologies loves ds106
After reflecting on our visit from Aggressive Technologies legal counsel, I had an inspiration for a new ds106radio commercial: I thought the tone of her spiel would pair well with our friend Bob, so I had him do the intro … Continue reading
Livefutzing is something of a tradition here
We had our first night of ds106radio broadcasts last night, with a possible record crowd. At one point the ds106radio page said we had 23 listeners, although some may have been ghosts and doubles. They were treated to Isaiah Beacon’s … Continue reading
AT Drops the BOMB!
Jim and I were having one of our usual ds106 discussions last week, looking over Aggressive Technologies’ website, when their chief legal counsel dropped in with threats and bluster. She expressed some rather strong opinions. I went through and cleaned … Continue reading
“Raise expectations to a new intention”
For the past few months, the local vintage clothing store has been hosting a mostly-weekly vinyl record night, where friends and neighbors are invited to bring records to play, or to just hang out and listen. Sometimes it even gets … Continue reading
Radio on a roll
With a few exceptions, it sounds like everyone’s ds106 radio groups are running smoothly, and everyone is on track. I look forward to hearing the finished projects this weekend. Dr. Oblivion’s advice here on sound quality and transitions is very … Continue reading
Here’s the windup, and here’s the pitch
You can see everyone’s AI pitches here: https://ds106.ai/category/aipitch/. I recommend looking them over because you may find a tool you can use in the upcoming weeks. I noticed some people didn’t link to the tools they promoted, which is surprising … Continue reading