Week Four: Mission:Photography



All work is due by midnight on Friday, 2/10
Thanks to the Photo group for their input this week.

This week we will be exploring visual elements of storytelling.

  1. Mission: Photography

    Think about the Visuals of Storytelling: Review the following materials about photography and using visual elements to create stories. Write a blog post (tag: photoreflection) about your previous/current experience with photography. Do you take a lot of photos now? What of? Do you have a particular approach to taking photos? Do you ever work to capture a particular feeling or meaning in your photos? If so, how successful do you think you are? After reviewing these resources, what tactics can you use to improve your photos or to take a different approach to taking photos?
    •   Becoming a Better Photographer (section from the ds106 Handbook – just the “Becoming” part, not all the assignments contained on the page)
    •   Photography and narrative: What is involved in telling a story?

  2. Think about what you read in Becoming Better Photographers and Photography and narrative: What is involved in telling a story?, and try to find examples of the different points and analyze them. I recommend using the videos from last week as a source, although you could choose something else that fits our theme. Looking specifically at the photography (still shots) in the video, how many of the points below can you find?
    •   selection
    •   contrast
    •   perspective
    •   depth
    •   balance
    •   moment
    •   lighting
    •   foreground/background
    Put your examples and your thoughts on them in a blog post.
  3. Do this assignment:
    Love at First Shot http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/love-at-first-shot/
    “Shot” has multiple meanings, so you could have a lot of fun with this one. The write-up for this assignment – your thought processes as you were doing it and your reflections on the results – are especially important.
    Do any one of these three assignments:
    Shadow of a Doubt http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/shadow-of-a-doubt/
    Cipher Typography Photo Images http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/cipher-typography-photo-images/
    Who Said What http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/who-said-what/
    And do 6 stars worth of visual assignments, and involve the character you created last week in at least one of them in some way. How you go about doing that is up to you.
    Be sure to write a post in WordPress for each assignment describing your thinking, your process, and evaluating the results, and be sure to tag it with the assignment tags.
  4. Do 3 Daily Creates this week.
  5. A 20 minute Photoblitz. Be sure to grab the code and include the seven tasks you were assigned in a blog post, along with the photos you took. Include your reflections on the exercise in your post. Tag this post photoblitz. Thanks John Johnston!
  6. Commenting. Everybody needs to pay attention to the work the rest of the class is doing and offer regular feedback and comments. A good way to go about this is to go to the course blog feed every day and take a few minutes to leave a few comments. This should not be difficult or time-consuming. It is rewarding and inspiring though.
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