Anatomy of a Daily Create

“What would the name of your band be?” Paul’s rule number 1 for the Daily Create: If you don’t have an idea, ask someone else. Today’s challenge was, “If you were a musician, what would your debut album look like?” My wife suggested The Ionic Bonds. I have a genetic predisposition for punnery, so I countered with The Ironic Bonds. “What would we call our first album?” Again I cheated, and googled the intersection of irony and chemistry. Among 15 Jokes Only Chemists Will Get, I found:

sharing by ryancr

sharing by ryancr

The name’s Bond. Ionic Bond. Taken, not shared.

Taken, not shared is something I could work with. Now I needed an image. I search flickr for taken and didn’t find anything that caught my interest. I tried shared and was similarly unimpressed, but the gerbils would do.

mds00014I wanted to make it look like an album, not a square picture with words on top, so I looked for something to work with. An image search for old album covers found this thing, which would work because there’s lots of visible aging, and lots of blank space. I did a bunch of copying and pasting to take pieces of background to cover up the title and image. The I rather crudely selected around the gerbils and copied them onto the cover. I put in my type, using colors from the image for a little harmony. Photoshop just happened to default to that typeface, but it felt appropriate so I kept it. I probably should have done more with the type, but this will do.


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2 Responses to Anatomy of a Daily Create

  1. I appreciate the thinking-out-loud here …

  2. Sandy Brown Jensen says:

    Great stuff, Paul, with an amusing not to say CUTE final product. I feel like I cheated by using the Bazaart app, but I could never learn that bloated PhotoShop. Good lesson, too!

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