Radio shows – round one

Our first round of ds106 radio shows went very well. We started off with ds106 News Radio, which covered a number of important and highly relevant topics

In all seriousness, the show was well thought-out and well done. Considering the state of modern journalism, it could have easily gone yellow, especially with some of the topics, but they took a serious and thoughtful approach (although some may disagree with that assessment).

The second show, Minuscule Stories, dealt with 6 to 10 word stories. This went exceptionally well. I wondered how it would hold together, but the analysis, sound production and commercials all worked together. Kudos to the group for reaching out to the ds106 community, and to Todd Conaway and Kevin Hodgson for pitching in.

The show addressed the famous six word story attributed to Hemingway, as did the listeners:

which takes us to our third segment, the Meme Show

This is another one I wondered about. Memes are such a visual thing. Would it make good audio? But again, the discussion and analysis made it.

and our ds106 meme-meister Katie got in on the action and contributed examples

So it was a great first listening session, and set a high bar for tonight’s groups, which will include some special guests from Kansas. ‘Cause we’re worldwide and at ds106.

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