“It beats pickin’ cotton”

Today’s Daily Create was to print out a Youtube video:

The first thing I thought of was what was perhaps the pinnacle of music video artistry, the video for The Replacements’ Bastards of Young

I was surprised to find that there was more going on the the video than I remembered. The output has a nice pattern to it, a kind of a gradation. I found that the bookmarklet doesn’t create one image, but rather a series of 5×5 screenshots stacked on top of each other. I saved the first, last and three in between, and put them together in Photoshop. I added a yellowish gradient to it to go with the gradation in the collage. I liked the sorta sepia effect. It reminds me of something old, and also of sunshine.


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4 Responses to “It beats pickin’ cotton”

  1. dogtrax says:

    Love The Mats. Love that you referenced The Mats for the Daily Create.

  2. Pingback: A Brute Force Opening | bavatuesdays

  3. phb256 says:

    test annotation

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