As I watched Danger: Diabolik, I thought that hitchhiking scene looked very similar to something from a Heavy Metal comic strip from my degenerate youth. Not a direct copy, but a similar idea.
Today I was fortunate to get a DVD copy of Diabolik through interlibrary loan, with commentary from Tim Lucas and John Phillip Law. Lucas points out a relationship between the placement of the jewels on Eva’s skin and a painting by Rene Magritte. The painting is titled “The Drop of Water” which has a Bava connotation.
Also included on the DVD is the Beastie Boys video for Body Movin’, a Danger: Diabolik spoof/homage that had somehow completely escaped my notice all these years:
I love the side-by-side of the Heavy Metal panel and Eva hitchhiking, now that is a pretty direct match! Also, in the Diabolik: Fumetti to Film the idea is that Diabolik was a fullblown terrorist, I men he bombs the financial centers of the nation state. That is a terrorist act the US is all too familiar with. What’s more, the Body Movin’ video was something that escaped me all together as well, and I must say the Beastie Boys have damn good taste.
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